Netzblog #3 -  Carlos Mrosek - Verfasst: 11.05.2009

Nerofix Community 1.x release

The official release of our new Nerofix Community 1.0 version few weeks ago is running on and a few hundred people joined already the new community. Although we aren't done in developement, everything seems to run stable so far.

Now it's time to collect experience with the new system and collect some more ideas for the upcoming Nerofix Community 2.0 version that will be done before end of 2009.

Unfortunatly the translations of version 1.0 aren't done completly yet, but most of the menus and the interface is already translated to English, German and Russian. More languages are coming soon.

With Nerofix Community 1.x we are going one more step in direction of the future, more news about soon...

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